Return of the Jam

Oct 30, 2013

And as my arm is finally unwrapped from its cast, so shall I wrap up this broken arm storyline :) Thanks everyone for your patience and support, but thanks especially to all the rad people who stepped up so you didn't have to go a single week without a funny picture to look at!

I hope you've already taken the time to thank them by checking out their respectivelly excellent comics and also Jonathon's new KICKSTARTER campaign to print A Mad Tea Party (linked above). 

I also want to take the time to once again thank Kory Bing who stepped in to ink my left-handed lines in comics #635, #637, #639, and #642. She did a fantastic job and I can highly recommend her services to anyone who is looking for an inker. She was efficient and professional and I would have been in much deeper trouble without her help! If you want to thank Kory, or check out more of her work, make sure to check out her comic SKIN DEEP. It's about a secret society of monsters who live in hidden cities around the world and it's a lot of fun. It just wrapped up a big story arc so it's an excellent time to jump into it, and her print editions are a gorgeous way to catch up on the archives! 

As for me, I've taken the time to let my arm heal and I'm happy to report that short of doing pushups or lifting anything tremendously heavy, my arm and wrist are back to full and nearly-perfect function! I'm completely thrilled, and I've been rehabilitating my drawing muscles by finishing up book three

This was originally supposed to launch at the end of October, but now that I've been so far set back I'm not sure when it's coming out. But it's soon! It's got a TON of bonus comics as you can see above and I think it's going to be really great. So make sure to watch out for news about that everyone, especially if you want to be one of the lucky few to catch one of the extreme editions

"Classic" Wasted Talent - hand-drawn on real paper by yours truly- returns next week!