Quiiick Quick update

Apr 28, 2009

Hey all! Con-rush is over! I have a bit of a break until, uh, June. VANCOUVERITES: Mark your calendars for MAY 23 and JUNE 12 !!

May 23 at Lucky's Comics will be the collective book launch for three pretty awesome books from the Vancouver indie scene. New Reliable Press will be releasing two new books: True Loves 2 and Jan's Atomic Heart. True Loves 2 is actually a webcomic, so I've read most of it online and it is good stuff!! <3 (I have True Loves 1 as well, of course.) I'm personally quite excited for Jan's Atomic Heart too, but I've only read the preview (check out the link!)

Cloudscape will ALSO be at Lucky's, launching our 3rd anthology: Funday Sunnies. Big excite! Did I mention that our second anthology, Historyonics, won a prize for Outstanding Publication Design at stumptown?


Check it out!

Details, maps and all your needin's to follow. I may or may not be bringing Sketchbooks to this thing for various reasons. I'm considering doing a Wasted Talent meetup earlier in the day, anyone interested!?

June 12 is, of course Anime Evolution, where I will be a guest! Should be a good time, with the shiny new Convention centre 'n all.

Other than that, first order of business in Jam-land is WATERCOLOUR PORTRAITS :D I've already sent off the next three, but I haven't sent confirmations yet. But if you are #s 20, 21 or 22, they went in the mail yesterday and should arrive soon! #s 23 and 24 are almost done (inked and partially coloured), but I can't sit down with them until about Thursday, when I get back from Penticton. The remaining 5 or so should get finished this weekend. YEAH!

Soooo, ok, I gotta go. I'm off to Penticton for a conference, taking my Bristol, but no comic will be posted until Th or Fri. :(

See you soon, team!