[news] - Bad news + sneak peak
Hey team, it's 9ish and I just got home awhile ago. I got recruited into a team at work that's doing some intense stuff and it's eating up a lot of time.
When I get home I have to work on my Cloudscape story that's due, uh... yesterday.
So short story long, I hate rushing my Wasted Talents (I rushed last week's and got the arrow wrong >_<) I would really rather just spend the proper amount of time and put out good product. No comic this week.
You get to see a sneak peak of my next anthology comic: "The Storm Ship", based on an American Fable by Washington Irving :D
If I don't get this story done by this weekend I'm basically out of the book, so one way or another WT will be back on track next week.
Have a good week, team!