[news] - Anime Evolution this weekend!!

Aug 22, 2008

So yes, Anime Evolution IS happening and it IS at UBC and it starts TOMORROW! And I WILL be there... and you'll either be able to either witness me at my 6' table next to Dave, OR you will be able to witness a STABBING! So you should definitely drop by.

The Artist's Alley is in the SUB (if you don't know UBC just ask people where the SUB is, it's right by the bus loop and everyone knows the building), and we're in the main hallway, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 9-5. Access to the alley is ~FREE~ and there are tons of talented artists, so it's worth the bus fare, I think!!

I'll be selling lots of stuff... lots of books, lots of buttons. NOT lots of Prints on Friday because Shoppers Drug Mart SUCKS but London Drugs ROCKS so hopefully I will be selling lots more prints on Sat/Sun. AND THEN I AM SO GLAD THAT IT WILL BE OVER OMG.