Mini-Hiatus for everything BUT the comic during June...
Hey everyone, just a quick heads up on a few things:
I'm going kind of crazy lately. It's nothing serious, but finishing the wedding planning, undertaking a major home renovation and trying to finish the book all at the same time is leaving me wanting extra headspace.
So I'm declaring a hiatus -- from everything that's not essential. The comic will still go up weekly (yay) BUT you will notice:
- I'm not answering email on my usual schedule. I will try to keep up with it when I can, but expect response times to be pretty poor.
- There won't be an Ask the Engineer post this month. The series will resume in July - I already have them working on the next question :).
- I'm not doing much in the Sponsor Zone. [This is why sponsorships are *annual*!] There's still a lot up there and I will do my darndest to get stuff in there, but, again, gotta prioritize.
- Expect my presence at all sites external to (Tumblr/Facebook/Lj... even Twitter) to be somewhat scaled back from usual.
It is wedding CRUNCH TIME.
I'm basically doing everything I can to keep my stress levels down and keep the comic posting weekly.
- Keep reading! Your support really does keep me going.
- Keep posting comments and posting in the forum! This really helps the site.
- Be patient, and thank you in advance for that. I know I can boast some of the best darn readers on the internets ^^
I'm getting married July 10th, and after a moment to breathe, perhaps, and sending off all my far-flung relatives, I expect life to get much much better :) I will be back, and I've got a lot of bottled up ideas I wanna work on!!! >:)