May Round-Up!
May 31, 2020
Hey everyone! I have started livestreaming on Fridays, so follow me on twitch if you'd like to watch me draw. Wasted Talent book 1 is also on sale at Comixology (but I'm not sure for how much longer, grab a copy if you don't have one! This is a great deal!)
This month on Wasted Talent...
On my Patreon, I shared two more pages of the upcoming Food Zine. I also posted some fanart with a book review of Meat on Bone, and posted previews of stickers I'd like to make soon! Pledge at any level to support the comic!
Around the Web...
This month I was on two virtual VanCAF panels that you can watch now on Youtube! :)
Reading Deeply (How to get the most of your comics with the Tradewaiters)
Webcomics! (With Alina Pete, Jeph Jacques, Sam Logan, and Kory Bing!)