Happy 400th Strip, Wasted Talent!!
Last week was also the 4 year anniversary of the webcomic, so there's lots to celebrate! And thus, welcome to the new website!
I'm very proud of what this little site has accomplished in four short years... Especially considering I've only put serious effort into it for about 2 years! I think I've improved a lot, especially since I started with the markers. The community in the FORUM and comic comments is really starting to grow, I love meeting and chatting with engineers, tech-folk, and generally awesome people from around the world!
So thank you, dear readers, and enjoy the new layout. I've been itching to upgrade this site for a long time now, and since I code in spurts, I dedicated all of last weekend to the project. I could have spent much longer tweaking and testing, but eventually you just have to jump and make it happen! There's still a few more things I want to polish off before I lose interest, which is usually in about 3 days ^^;. If you catch any bugs, broken links, or spelling mistakes, tell me NOW while I still know where everything is! Report bugs in THIS THREAD in the forum so it's a bit more organized for me. Thanks!!
Onto the new site, of which I am very proud. I wanted to keep it simple and white, like the original, but I also really wanted some more functionality. The frontpage has a sidebar now, which showcases the latest blog post (I feel it was getting overlooked way down here!), and my new twitter feed. The archive system is finally working right (thanks Trev!), and the shop has been duplicated on this domain. Nothing new to sell, and I need to improve the shop a lot, but getting it ON here was my first goal. The info page is also quite a bit more organized (and updated!) So stay tuned, hopefully there's more to come.
As for Wasted Talent, there's lots to look forward to. Weekly updates will continue, I'm doing my best there! I'm working on Sketchbook 09, and (in extreme slow motion) on a book compiling the early strips! I hope to get to more cons year after year, as long as I can swing the cost and the vacation-time. I'm dreaming up new content and product I can offer to you all, the challenge is cramming it into my day.
I love drawing comics, so thanks for four amazing years. You all make my hobby so rewarding!